Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Wanking music cont.  #
Thursday, 24 Aug 2000 09:14AM
To some people's amusement (including our own) Walken made it very high in the charts this week. Right Again is number 13, Ego is number 16, up from 77. Walken is the number 6 band on the site.

View the track charts.
View the artist charts.

I won't inform you as to the number of downloads required to gain this height (charts are generated on the number of downloads from unique IP addresses) but it wasn't a great deal compared to the general music industry.

I heard recently that a long time again in order to get to number one in the single charts (back when a single was sub $1 and on vinyl with a real actual b-side on the OTHER SIDE!) you needed to sell 700,000 records. Recently Mr. different-coloured-eyeballs Manson managed to get platinum and number one with 70,000 sales.

I also heard from a friend that Coke could purchase the entire music industry, make all music free and write it off as advertising. Ouch.