Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

The only way to make MP3s  #
Sunday, 05 Nov 2000 08:24PM
So many unsure but so many unable to stop
So many are unsure if they like the new Radiohead album, but so many can't get it out of their CD player. My song for the month, "Idioteque", Track 8 of Kid A. It won't stop playing.

The only way to make MP3s
Until there is a day when record companies will let us download high quality digital versions of music we already own, you'll just have to do it yourself.

Find out how at This fantastic page explains why LAME is the best MP3 encoder and why (with proof of testing), as well as many other MP3 related tips. All the required software is linked.

BUT for the clickthrough lame, here is everything you need. It's all free. It's all legal (depending on how you use it and for what.. blah)

Razorlame (LAME frontend) -

LAME (most recent compiles) -

ExactAudioCopy CD Ripper -