Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Heyfever vs. Bowie vs. Stupidity  #
Wednesday, 29 Nov 2000 08:41AM
HP to pay antipiracy fee for CD burners. Very similar to the tax we all pay on blank CDs, tapes, and on any equipment which digital outputs (or inputs, I can't remember which). The product can be used for pirating copyright material, therefore it MUST be being used for pirating and so you should pay extra to compensate.

Should I pay death tax on my car just because it can be used to drive on sidewalks/footpaths to kill people? Should I pay flick tax on my towel because it can be made wet and flick at someone butt? Should I pay exhaust tax on my potatoes JUST because I could one day stick them in exhaust pipes on my neighbours cars, ignoring the many alternative uses for potatoes? Should I pay environment tax on my cat because it can be used to kill native birds? Should I pay cleaning tax on my knives because they could be used to cut off people's fingers to dirty carpets which then must be cleaned by cleaning products, luckily paid for my extra cleaning tax?

No. I shouldn't. That would be frigging stupid wouldn't it? It's idiot talk. It's not even funny. It's not even well thought out...

Guess my point for a magic ball of fluff!

I have the worst heyfever I've ever had this week. The best cure I've found is to drink water, constantly. This keeps the airways/throat wet and keeps me from sneazing. Unfortunately this means regular trips to the toilet. And you can't do this when you're out...

My girlfriend has started smoking again. Nothing sets my heyfever off more than cigarette smoke. Damn.

Bowie Rules Again
David Bowie is one of the first artists to open his full back catalogue to the newly opened service. You'll even get a free exclusive track if you Beam(tm) his latest live CD.

Producer sues over Bertelsmann/Napster
Former producer for Jefferson Airplane, Matthew Katz is suing Bertelsmann for it's alliance with Napster, claiming his record label has been nearly put out of business thanks to reduced demand. I say... proove it.

Mutants walk among us. Should they be identified?