Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Time Off  #
Wednesday, 06 Dec 2000 08:57AM to cost
Slashdot reported that The New York Times reported that's service was restarted today, however it will cost $45US a year.

I'm just checking out the service out now, beaming David Bowie's "Earthling".

While it's going I'm checking out the "upgrade" link. And indeed it will cost $49.95 a year to have unlimited CD Beams. At the moment I have "250 beaming credits". I now have 240 credits after a successful beaming. OK then, 10 credits a CD.

I'm streaming now, it seems the first few seconds of each song has been lost. Also, apparently you will have to re-insert the CD ever now and then to proove you own it.

How I have a huge problem with this. The point of this service is to allow you to play the music, even when you don't have it with you. plans to have buttons on CDNow and other CD shops which will let you Beam the CD you just bought to your account as soon as you buy it, so you can listen to it instantly.

If that were the case now I could be listening to my new Apocalyptica CD ('Cult', which hasn't arrived yet) through a nice 'legal' service instead of having to rely on the unreliabilty of Napster.

I like the idea for many reasons... the one above, being able to play a random track from my entire CD collection, being able to have all my songs available wherever I am (as long as I have a good net link). If I have to put in a CD, even if I'm at home and I have to fish it out of the pile, it's useless.

According to the article, Napster will be $5 a month. I'd be going for that option, as unreliable as it is.

I just tried Underworld's, "Second Toughest.." and kept having problems. Tool's "AEnima" failed too. I give up at this point.

I need..
I need sleep. I need some time to myself. I need some time off work to relax. I don't relax at home. I have a weeks worth of 'stuff' to do at home (mostly music related) and coming home isn't relaxing.

I'm getting a DVD player soon. I plan to attempt to relax with that. Fight Club, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Underworld's Everything Everything are my first purchases. I have a list at home... I'm not at home...

I listened to and didn't really like either of the two bands I mentioned yesterday. I did see something in Fisher though.

Top 10 +
Tea Party's 'Edges Of Twilight'. It's on the edge but I'm putting it in. If it wasn't for 'Silence' it'd be perfect. The mix on their acoustic EP / CD-ROM 'Alhambra' is infinitely better.

I recently purchased TP's 'Best Of' CD, 'Tangents - A Tea Party Collection', souly for the cover of Rolling Stone's 'Paint In Black'. It's a good cover, ignoring the rather limp ending. It (Tangents) is a pretty good representation of TP's career, possibly with too much of a slant toward the present. I agree with all the tracks present, especially 'Sister Awake', 'Fire In The Head' and 'Babylon'. The new TP track appearing on the album, 'Walking Wounded' can be downloaded (if you can find it) here.

Updated : I just removed the link above because RadioUndercover's digital download's service's registration process was awful and I wouldn't put any of you through it.

'Paint It Black' was the first track I ever remember liking. I was about 10 and I was watching 'Tour Of Duty'. I'm not even sure it was 'Paint It Black' I was listening to but that's what I remember ;p