Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Tori Amos, "Little Earthquakes"  #
Wednesday, 21 Mar 2001 01:00PM
It was never going to be hard to choose which Tori Amos album was going to concidered. 'Under The Pink' is a little too slow for my liking, and the others just aren't of the total album quality required. Too many 'hmmm' songs.

However I've always been held back by a few songs I thought I didn't like, and Tori's strange style messing with my "that's a good song" meter. But I've been listening to it in the car on the way to work this last week or so and quite franky, it rules.

I love the 'just Tori and a piano' feel. The same feel I get from The Whitlam's 'Buy Now And Pay Later'. All the 'extras'; string, guitar are added to best effect but never remove from the raw demo feel of the whole album.

If I hadn't have dumped my Top 10 track section, "Precious Things" would have been added without hesitation.

I've noticed I'm adding albums here depending on my mood. I listen to many albums I love, but if the mood is right at the right time, it ends up in the Top 10. It's luck of the draw.

It will change...