Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Copyprotected CDs  #
Thursday, 29 Mar 2001 07:32PM
Subject URL: Copyprotected CDs

The article linked above is the first time I've actually read that the recording industry is looking for an alternative to, and plan to phase out, the music CD as we know it.

"I've talked to a lot of people in the record industry, and they all are of the opinion that in the long run, the CD and the CD player, as they stand now, are basically a lost cause"

The article proper is about a new standard of 'protected' CD which is 'Napster proof'. To unpressreleaseafy that comment, the CDs will contain deliberate mistakes and errors that should be ignored by most audio CD players but will freak out your average CD ripping piece of software... for about two days until they're rewritten to ignore such errors.

Opt in to Napster  #
Thursday, 29 Mar 2001 07:22PM
Subject URL: Opt in to Napster

RIAA is unhappy with Napster's performance in filtering songs from the service saying they have "have adopted the most porous filter available". So they've asked the court to force Napster to use a 'filter in' method. That is, Napster will only be allowed to share what is in the 'allowed' list and block everything else.

I really don't see why they didn't ask for that in the first place, it makes far more sense than the useless act of filtering out unauthorised track shares. No more stalling from Napster if this happens though. It will be the end.