Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Stress  #
Monday, 02 Apr 2001 09:04PM
Busy stressful this week. Couple of projects to be finished ASAP. I like having lots of work though so all is good. Driving home in the dark isn't much fun though. Pretty slow news day this weekend but I went and saw Exorcist last week, Clann Zu + GSS on Saturday and Rugrats on Sunday. I can't be bothered talking about it but luckily Dave has already said it all.

I will say something Dave didn't and that's that by the time Grand Silent System came on I was dead tired, the Gershwin room was packed to the rafters, it was hot and I was up the back where everyone was talking and I couldn't hear properly. So I went home early. I don't necessarily blame GSS's performance for anything though but this certainly wasn't my day to enjoy it.