I'm all for it here in Australia, but I'm on a programmers wage, not a waiters wage. I always see these articles written by office workers and the IT industry but what do the rest of the working world think, at least those on a salary?
Obviously we'd all agree if we still got paid enough... which I guess is the issue. So many people are doing overtime and not getting paid or given time off for it. Or do more hours because it's expected of them instead of the work putting on more people.
I personally think 40hrs a week is too much, but mainly because that doesn't include the 1.5hrs a day I take getting to and from work. And I hate the way that after getting up, driving to work, working, driving home from work, having dinner it's 7pm and in order to get my prescribed 8hrs sleep I have to be in bed in 3 and a half hours. What ever happened to 8hrs play? And that is nothing compared to so many who spend over 50hrs a week at work and have no time to relax at home. But personally I believe they've let themselves into a problem that bad. No-one should have to do hours like that for any reason.
But I think most ITers would admit that they don't work 100% headdown all day in the 8+hrs they're at work... they email, they browse, they make coffee/tea/smoke, they chat with workmates. All of which helps blur the line between social life and work...
Blah, old whinge...
I'm not insane. In year 9 I read this word and told a friend. I could never find it again and ever since I've wondered if I ever did really read it. Today, I proved myself sane. (via Burgatronics)
Hey, while I'm at it... Dementophobia- Fear of insanity.