Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Kids  #
Sunday, 27 May 2001 06:01PM
Subject URL: Kids

Slashdot's voting both today is kids. How many do you have etc? One of the choices is "I want none" which I dutifully chose. 19% of the freaks who read /. agree. In fact, a quick little think tells me that the majority of my close friends agree. My girlfriend agrees. My exgirlfriend agreed. I wonder how many of the /. audience would have chosen "I want none" if they didn't already have them.

I wrote a paragraph about why I don't want kids but I trashed it. You don't really care. It's the same old shit. Fact is, I think anyone who thought hard about it for more than a few minutes wouldn't want them... or am I completely missing something (I am).

Would monkeys use the pill if they could?

Amazon privacy  #
Sunday, 27 May 2001 05:52PM
Subject URL: Amazon privacy

'News' (via Slashdot) today seems to be that the FCC (Federal Trade Commission in the USA) is happy with Amazon changing their privacy policy so that customer information is their 'asset'. An asset they can sell to other companies. Who exactly would want to pay for the fact I purchased the 'Transformers : The Movie' DVD at last year I don't know but hey... there you have if for free. Whatever. I wonder if that selling includes credit card numbers ;p