Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Options Generation  #
Monday, 20 Aug 2001 03:10PM
Subject URL: Options Generation

Looks like my recent rants on working etc. aren't a rare or new thing (as usual). This link contains four excellent articles on the current attiudes of today's youth work force, attitudes to Part-Time work vs. Full Time "career" work etc. Well worth your read and well worth far more commenting than I have time to give. (via Null Device)

They talk as if they will have more control of their lives than their parents ever dreamt of. Considering the labor market they face, that sounds like a huge paradox. But choice, like change, is the very air they breathe.

The gist of this new attitude is that work must take its place among all the other bits of a balanced, fulfilling life - a life in which "fun" is a crucial ingredient and "lifestyle" a thing to be nurtured. Whether they are going to be able to sustain that attitude remains to be seen, but the early signs suggest that today's young people are determined to approach work on their own terms.

I'm thinking Part-Time may be my thing. I've known a few people who work four days a week and are very happy.