Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Images of time  #
Friday, 14 Sep 2001 04:06PM
We're the internet equivalent of a crowd at a car crash. We watch, we're horrified, we cannot help, we keep watching...

New York Skyline : Before and after.

Massive list of links to personal accounts and amature video / photos of the disaster. (both via

More skyline images.

Pre WTC I'd been thinking of getting a camera. Much of this reason is because often I see the beautiful buildings in my city (Melbourne, Australia) and think they deserve cataloging in images. This thought increased when one of my favourite buildings, the Melbourne GPO (Post Office), had a fire. I was scared to loose it. Fire, or possibly earthquake, was the only way I thought such an event was possible. In a less depressing thought, I often wanted images to catalog the city through time as it developed, as older buildings made way to new, and the skyline climbed...

Now that thought is much stronger. I must get a camera.

There should be a website for these historical images. An image based newsgroup / weblog.

And aliens may fly down and kidnap the president...  #
Friday, 14 Sep 2001 11:43AM
"Scenario-12-d is a plan to crash a plane into the World Trade Center in order to cause unrest between America and other countries in order to increase arms sales"
The lone gunmen (x-files)
(via Burga via Memepool)

It's the stuff of TV shows, mentioned next to destorying the moon and alien abductions. It's a joke. Everyone knows it could happen but they talk about it in the context of stuff no-one believes would ever happen.