Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Excellent new Regurgitator site  #
Tuesday, 13 Nov 2001 08:28PM
Subject URL: Excellent new Regurgitator site

Full discograhy (including promos and rarities) and a massive list of Regurgitator gigs and setlists from the past as well as a bootleg list. Lots of info on 'sideprojects' too such as Pangaea and Happyland.

sigh  #
Tuesday, 13 Nov 2001 09:10AM
Another commercial airplane crashes into New York. Witnesses indicate it may have been mechanical with an engine on fire, some saying it fell off. The usual 'terrorist?' calls are being made. Doc threw out the idea of a lone anti-aircraft gunner. My idea is slashed airport maintenance budgets in the current airline industry depression.

And three reporters join the thousands dying in Afghanistan.