Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Catch this  #
Monday, 20 May 2002 08:10PM
Harsh toy of the day : Lego playset "Tuscan Raider Encounter".

Fan remix projects rule. R.E.M.'s Reveal.

Bought Weezer's new album Maladroit the other day. Interesting to find it was only $21.95 and came with 7 "free" multimedia videos. The record company terrified that the fans won't buy it because the band gave the whole thing away on the net months ago?

Put my back out on Friday morning getting into the car. I went to work anyway because I had a meeting with the boss to discuss my position at work. It's frustrating being in this business (IT) where some people are on hugely inflated salaries, while others remain on low salaries because there is no money for raises, despite being told they deserve a raise. But what are you going to do? Quit and be a musician.

Not with this wrist. The back should heal. I have a cold. I'm looking at houses closer to the city. The comute, and housemates, are shitting me. Not them in particular, just the fact that they're there.