More gigs for Walken in October. To be confirmed. At the moment we still have September off. Preparing for the Armadale acoustic gig on Saturday... enough about my frigging band.
Don't look at a site for a few months and go back to discover it's offlinish and will return better than ever! Records Ad Nauseam will return with gig reviews and the such. I've been meaning to review stuff, really I have.
Walken jammed at The Dane Centre once, recorded a quick and dirty live demo there. We always thought the guy running the place was a bit of a freak. I believe I said at the time :
...the people there have twenty years experience, but because of this they're stuck in the seventies, with all the opinions and mindsets that go with this...
I was being polite. We never went back again because the place weirded us out so much. Turns out the guy that runs the place is the leader of the Black Shirts, that team of dickheads running around causing problems for wives and children in divorce cases (via acb). See those curtains in the background of us jamming? Same as those behind the freaks in this. I feel dirty.
Back to Dave.... in theory he's gone for two years although there is no reason that can't change. Been playing the two years ago today game. Around this time last year Heath and I named our band. We hadn't recorded our first demos. I'd only been going out with my girlfriend for 5 months. I'd only JUST started working at that's three jobs ago now. I didn't own yet, let alone or Dave and I hadn't been to San Francisco yet. Two years is a long time. Two years is no time.
My parents move to the UK for X months in September. I plan visit them at some point. Obviously I'll be popping around Dave's place to smack him around the head some...
Thought: If my work can tell me that I have to work the "minimum hours required to complete the tasks given to me" with the unspoken assumption that this means I may at some point need to do overtime without pay... why can't it also mean I can go home early should I complete my tasks in 6 hours instead of 8?
At least now I have the right to refuse to do "unreasonable overtime". Whatever that means. I find it hard to believe that for this long people have been unable to say no I don't want to do a 14 hours day today thank you... damn.
Why am I a programmer? I am a programmer because I did a computing course at uni and liked programming the most. I liked programming the most because I was good at it. It was easy.
I'm ranting... why am I unhappy at the moment? One of my best friends has gone away. I'm bored of my job. I hate where I'm living at the moment. I hate travelling 1 hour to and 1 hour from work every day. Would I enjoy work more if it wasn't so hard to get to? Would I enjoy it more if it wasn't 9 to 5 Monday to Friday? Probably not. Am I likely to enjoy any other job more? I don't know.
When I've previously ranted like this people have yelled at me to "do something about it". But I don't know what to do. Previously I've quit jobs I hate and joined other jobs that have turned out to be just as bad in other ways.
Oh, I don't hate my job. I just don't know if I want to be doing it any more. Maybe I just hate working? Who doesn't? I've been watching people with other jobs more and more lately; photographers, journalists, musicans. All of them struggling their asses off to survive but happy. I think maybe I want to work for me for a chance instead of working for someone through someone else.
Another friend tells me to forget about the future and spend the money I have. Have fun damn it. I need to be reminded of this often.
Maybe I should just get over myself.
Bring on Idoru (via acb).
More crapping on about file-sharing. Dave wanted to burn all his CDs to MP3 CDrs before he left but didn't get the time. He'd probably be arrested and set on fire if he had have done it and the RIAA ran the world. What the hell is wrong with wanting to carry three CDs instead of 100 to the UK? Nothing.