Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs. down  #
Tuesday, 10 Dec 2002 09:27AM
Subject URL: down

What? is down? /me goes to What that?! Looks like they're rebuilding their server. Why?, click news tab, enter "myDomain", click search. First item is the linked TheRegister article...

A message posted by mydomain staff on this bulletin board reveals the problem: fix is coming very soon. It appears to have been a firewall issue. We have a fail-over for the firewall, but this appears to have suffered the same fate. The guys working on getting it fixed have Cisco on the phone and should have everything fixed very shortly. I'll post more as soon as the status changes.

There are a LOT of domains on include my band's I havn't received any mail since this happened. Pretty major stuff up guys. It's been at least 12 hours. Of course... they ARE free (hosting of domains, not registering).