Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Incentive  #
Wednesday, 22 Jan 2003 08:11PM
Another review of my band's current promo CD, Glory, this time in Beat magazine (previously in InPress) :

Glory [Misunderstood] (Independent)
Indie folk (add a pop or a rock to that description, depending on what mood the Walken-sters are in on any particular song) from local lads who undersell themselves musically, and oversell their highly self-conscious lyrics. The balancing act in this circus then, has yet to be mastered.

Fair comment I suppose depending in what mood we're in. Incentive to get more stuff out there... and compared to the Counting Crows review of their hidden-track turned single above this review, I think we got off damn well :

Big Yellow Taxi (Universal)
Fricking annoying song ("blah di blah di blah, you don't know what you'ev got till it's gone... blah blah fricking blah, pave paradise put up a fricking parking lot") is given a fricking annoying Average American Rock makeover, with fricking annoying Vanessa Fricking Bland-as-Hell Carlton thrown in for fricking annoying measure. The result? Sheer brilliance? Not fricking likely.

What I was quietly hoping for was a gig review. Without an album out it's the only good indicator. From the excellent crowd response at the last gig we're pretty sure we're not wasting our time.

Meanwhile the "stop threatening to hit me or I'll hit you" schoolyard fight continues, with Blair hinting that the use of nuclear weapons against our enemies hasn't been ruled out. Oh great.

Robbie Williams, the first guy to have his CD copy protected in Australia, has come right out and said music piracy rocks and he has no problem with it. Easy for him to say with a massive multizillion dollar contract already in his pants but pat on the back for him saying it anyway. Oh yeah, and he told Mariahiahirahoohayohyeeehaaayayaeoooah Carrey to "fu*k off, who the hell do you think you are?" backstage at a recent awards show because her heavies pushed him around. I'd almost send him money for that.