Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Yo  #
Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 03:13PM
Anyone wondering what Jhonen Vasquez (creator of Invader Zim, Squee, I Feel Sick and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) has been up to should read this interview. In short, he'd love an Invader Zim DVD boxset but it's not under his control (he doesn't think it's very likely) and he's working on comics at the moment. Sounds like he doesn't want to do animation ever again either. Bummer. Good see he has the time and money to "just chill and do whatever I want". He deserves it.

Q: How did you get signed with Nickelodeon? A: I'm guessing that some form of unstoppable evil had something to do with it.

I'm not THAT ugly...  #
Thursday, 13 Mar 2003 10:26AM
Photos of my band's gig @ The Laundry here. Please ignore the crap photoshoping of my lovely mug in the news section. Thanks Daniel.

Bought a nice instrument mic (Shure 57) last night and a stand and messed about a bit with acoustic recording. Sounding promising...

Ever thought you were going mad? I mean really mad... what did you do about it?