Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Stuff  #
Monday, 02 Jun 2003 09:58AM
When I first started using Microsoft computers I always wondered by MS Office wasn't just part of Windows. Everyone seemed to use it and everyone seemed to need it. I was surprised to find out it was a stand alone product that cost a ton of money.

Life has moved on and now it seems that IE is soon to not be a stand alone product (via ScriptingNews). It's going to be just part of Windows. Sure, it's already that now (open My Computer in XP and click Search, it asks you to search the web) and has been pretty much since Win98 but that's not the point. They're not even going to pretend anymore.

I'm glad someone else [VM] noticed that no-one seemed to notice that someone tried to blow up the Melbourne stock exchange last week what with crazy redundant man trying to crash a plane.

WALKEN gig went will last night, although I think someone slipped something into our drinks because we managed to power through a forty minute set in a little more than half an hour. Zoom! The Wireless Records compilation thing is good, our songs sounding a little nasty though. I think two years is the magic number for art. Write and record something you think is pretty good, put it down and listen to it two years later and if you don't hate it, something is wrong.

Our bass player just bought himself a bloody nice bass. About five times better than anything I have. I have to go buy a nice new guitar now or I'll be un-cool. Or at least a guitar pedal. The Boss GT6 looks nice. And it has digital out which should go nicely with my new soundcard.

Do I have time to play with it though? I bought my Zoom 505 over five years ago now and I never strayed from the defaults. I plan to give that a go tomorrow night.

Work work work...