Although if by "share" they're happy for these songs available in the vault to be Kaaza'd why hide them behind some lame rego and cd-key system? And why make them so damn annoying to download?
Watched the "live" DVD that comes with St. Anger too. Not all of it, a few songs. St. Anger sounds better live. James voice doesn't. It's funny though... they've finally put out an album they can play live and not sound shitter than.
It's a step in the right direction. New Powderfinger single available on for $2. Includes a b-side (there are three b-sides on the $5 real CD single) and a "multimedia package" which is bound to be as lame as that found on the CD. It seems that WiredRecords now allows (a limited number of) CD burns. Which is good. And the Regurgitator singles are now only $6, which is still too much but they're not really available anywhere except sweaty record-fairs so make you're own choise.
Rocknerd on the new Metallica album. "It's utter unmitigated donkeybollocks. End of story."
Bob Rock explains why the new Metallica album's production is complete crap (again @ Rocknerd, full article at MTV.
No other contemporary chart-topping rock album sounds remotely like Metallica's St. Anger. Never mind the whirlwind tempos, multiple rhythm changes and seven-minute songs. What's really unusual are the lo-fi tones and unconventional constructions.
"Technically, you'll hear cymbals go away and you'll hear bad edits. We wanted to disregard what everybody assumes records should be and throw out all the rules. I've spent 25 years learning how to do it the so-called right way. I didn't want to do that anymore."
I think this is why the album has an appeal to me. It's complete and utter rubbish when it's sold to you as a studio album. It's like finally a band has deliberately put out an album that is deliberately crap and we've all bought it. It's like po-moe art or something. If this were a bootleg studio recording leaked to the net would the fans have loved it assuming that later it would be turned into a proper studio album? No... most of the songs are still crap, but bits of them are good. Maybe someone should do a St. Anger cover album where they re-record all the songs properly and cut them down to 3 minutes and sing properly on them?
So good to fix (or work out how to fix) a bug 10 minutes after waking up while in the shower then have to remember the fix the whole way to work while in zombie mode. mmm zombie mode.
Blue-Ray DVDs are still on the way. One day.
I love the My Melbourne section of The Age website. Photos sent in by readers of Melbourne. These latest few are excellent. I sent my photo of the Melbourne lights at night but you can't see the CBD so I guess they don't like it. I don't think I said anything interesting about it either. Blah.
Alex took a photo of "The Safe", that chunk 'o art in the middle of a Melbourne back-alley (just down from Gaylord's Indian resturant, off Little Burke Street). There is more of this wacky back-alley art around but this is the most photogenic. I've heard people say it was a waste of money but the guy that invented this art could be out stabbing people in the head (or cutting off the heads of corpses) so I say go for it. (corpse link via acb, ain't he a happy fellow).