And rumour is that Australia is leaving itself open to produce nukes. I think I'm going to move to Antarctica. They have ADSL there right?
Mental note: next time you install a major piece of Microsoft related software, go to their website and check for updates, don't wait for you to notice a massive increase in attacks on your machine. Bloody IIS. All patched now.
Money! It's really close to Monkey!
DVD writers just dropped to $350 (Pioneer). And you can get that CDr MP3 player for $159 now (Panasonic). And for $179 you can get one of those USB "dongle" things that is a 128Mb drive + an MP3 player + a radio.
Someone out there is trying to make me poor. I'm guessing he's invisible and looks a lot like me (assuming you could see invisible people).
Extreamly tempted to take some time off, keeping up with my rule this year to take a week off every three months (assuming I wasn't on any important projects... which I'm not). Might even make it two. But part of me wants to save up some Annual Leave for when the band starts recording again at the end of the year... although I'm pretty sure that'll be done over two weekends.
Bad day already. Pulled a muscle getting amp into car, and I forgot my jacket. So I'm cold and in pain. At least there is no gig tonight.
Damn, and now the jam has been cancelled so it (driving in, packing the car, getting up early, the cold, forgetting jacket) was all for nothing. Looks like we might be jamming at The Tote again on Saturday though. Excellent. Unless the band that is playing there Sat night wants to soundcheck then.