However supporting servers is extremely low on my "things I'd like to do at work" list. In fact, I'd rather file all day than be on support at all. See, I'm a programmer. I like to program. That is... write programs. I don't care what language. As long as it's a programming language. Not create users and struggle through GUIs trying to find settings and viewing logs and applying patches and migrating websites.
I forsee much scope for stress and unpaid overtime (although they're a relaxed bunch and this business is a millionth as business critical as my last support job). It does give me work for the next six months though which is nice in our troubled times. However, it also keeps me out of any interesting projects that may come up in the next six months.
If they'd asked me out front if I'd like to do this I'd have said no, but I'm a consultant. I'm go where I'm told.
New entry in the photoblog.
Going off to do tax.
This weekend is recording drums time. We're aiming to get eight songs done, but I'm guessing we'll get maybe 5 done.