In 12 hours we'll be going "where is Leigh?"
Lego Woman Lego Wang.
If the Futurama heads in jars looked like this, that would be cool.
On another note : This time four years ago. ;p
Fantomas/Tomahawk/Melvins to play Melbourne Palace on Wed 10th and Thursday 11th December. Oh my GOD! I think I might go to both shows. Must organise leave now. Assuming still have a job then. haha.
The RIAA is planning on suing individual file sharers using an obscure Clinton era US law on copyright material distribution. It's always argued that such a feat would be too expensive and not worth it but the RIAA seems desperate.
At the time, no one really thought they'd do it. And now they are.
All ready to record. I have giant USB hard drive. I have hangnail on thumb causing pain. I have RSI that is going to get hammered with 12 hours of guitar playing. Joy!
Three years ago tomorrow Heath and I released the first Walken demos "Right Again" and "Ego" on They're gone now but might still be in the Internet Archive if you want a laugh.
New York "and other cities" are all blacked out.
David Bowie is telecasting a gig to launch his first album into cinemas. He's going to play the whole new album, then take requests and questions from cinema audiences. Webcasting of the present.
Article in the Herald Sun today about how all of the suggested ideas for helping out those who cannot afford to buy a house will only result in house prices rising. Giving people more money in anyway (tax cuts, first home buyers grant, interest rate cut, part ownership of house by bank) just gives them more money to bid at auctions.
Their suggestions were "increase supply", although the only option for this is to release more land, and the only free land is miles from the city. Or raise interest rates. Or take away negative gearing, which will apparently make rents go up. I like the quote from ANZ chief economist Saul Eslake, "If rents did significantly, that would in turn prompt an increase in the supply of rental housing, pushing rents down again." And where are all those people going to go that can't afford rent or to buy a house?
Interestingly, house prices havn't really ever gone down in Melbourne since at least 1985 (when their little graph begins) but they dropped 25% in Sydney around 91 (when interest rates were 17% and the average Sydney sider spend more than 70% of their income on morgage repayments).
Article on the limits of FAT32 vs. NTFS that answered my question as to why XP wouldn't format a drive over 32Gb to FAT32 (i ended up using XP to create the partition and Win98 to format it).
Windows XP and Windows 2000 limit partition creation to no larger than 32GB on FAT32. This limitation is by design: Microsoft wants you to use NTFS for large drives. If you use Windows Me or Windows 98 to format a drive, XP and Win2K can use a FAT32 partition larger than 32GB; however, these OSs can't create the partition. Also, keep in mind that when you use ATA/IDE hard disks larger than 127GB, you might need to update your computer's or hard disk controller's BIOS to properly support those larger drives.