Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

Where's my Vince?  #
Wednesday, 22 Oct 2003 10:08PM
Been on another Vince Dicola (composer of the Transformers score and various other oddities) trip lately. I've been trying to track down his "Protoform Sessions" CD and also the BotCon 98 Live CD but have found only limited info and certainly no one still selling them.

Then I had a brainwave, maybe he's on iTunes? He's really the perfect match for online music sales. He has a few soundtrack songs that people would only want his songs from, and a bunch of limited release fan CDs that arn't really worth printing up on CD but many people still want to buy. I want to buy. But I can't. Put your music online Vince!

I downloaded iTunes and had a play with it. It's not too bad. Much faster than Windows Media Player, but still a bit clunky. It doesn't seem to actually do much more than interface with the CD store. I don't see "making play lists" and "burning CDs" as doing anything. It's a viable replacement for Windows Media junkies I suppose.