Meebar rocked out too, despite having a replacement drummer they'd only practiced with once. I really am hanging for a new EP from these guys.
I can't really say if we were any good or not, I have having too much fun. I was about as relaxed as I've been on stage, we're really getting to feel at home at Laundry. And the mixer, who we stole from Revolver, was excellent, the foldback being perfect one song in. The new song went down OK but we were pretty loose on it (Leigh and I lost it in the bridge for a bit) and it sounded crap on stage. Gotta take the risks...
And Daniel (bass) was very drunk and was a mistake factory all night, but pulled himself out of most of them. He's been lightly smacked and been sent home with a sixpack. Looking forward to the gig at Armadale on the 3rd.
All the venues seem to have new management since we last played (Laundry, Armadale). Armadale seem to do their originals gigs downstairs now. Laundry no longer provide a rider (and they recently had a very expensive mixing desk go missing). The changing world of rock.