Note: The following posts were imported from my previous blogs.

throw something out...  #
Friday, 07 May 2004 06:05PM
Gig last night was great. I had a bloody fantastic time. We played a bit loose but prefer the word "relaxed". Drunk on the high of it all for most of the night afterwards. Rare.

Look Who's Toxic followed us with a smallish crowd and as usual by the third song or so everyone loved them with screams of demands to buy their music and demands to know the name of the band. I mean, you start off thinking "gee, this is a bit crap but damn it's LOUD" and two songs in you're screaming over the feedback for more. I love these guys.

They're keyboard was busted but they've added a sampler since last time and three songs were Regurgitator style rap/sing sessions with some overdrumming.

Their CD lauch is the 16th May at The Tote. Be there. Buy their CD.

Unrelated, some nice photos cropping up as usual on the My Melbourne section of The Age website...

The moon recent eclipse
Early morning shot of the CD from hot air balloon
Pelican vs Pelicant at Melbourne Zoo
Meerkats at Werribee
Webb Bridge at Docklands

Multiple Hidden Digits  #
Friday, 07 May 2004 05:57PM
The Library of Congress's audio and video division are planning to use an old Cold War bunker to store their collection [Wired].

Part of me says "why don't they just digitize it all" but experience says you always want the masters in perfect condition if possible because something better (digitally) always comes along and you want to re-digitize.

They've recently annouced dual layer DVD-Rs. I'm really not that interested. I'm almost 100% sure that they'll have huge problems with layer seperation in the first few years, with trillions of Tb of data being lost. Even if not... I want a format that will let me store uncompressed video, say about a terabyte of data. DVD compression is starting to really bug me (I know, I'm a loser). I've been watching some DVDs on a large screen lately and they've mostly looked fantastic but as an archiving tool in the back of my head I keep thinking, "you know, something better is just around the corner, stop wasting your time".

Meanwhile... when buying a digital camera, don't forget to factor in the price of batteries [The Age].