Called him today and he has changed his mind about the need to spray for Anobium Borer. As it's "only one board" and most of the floorboards are covered it's pointless spraying as you'll miss most of the house. The Borer also takes "up to 40 to 50 years to do any real damage".
The advice now is to rip up the board and replace it and "cross your fingers".
It saves us $500. Apparently you can paint stuff on it to kill them anyway. Saves us repainting/polishing the loungeroom floor for one board.
Walken / Approximate cross overs...
Lego Woman and Right Again were the only pre-Walken Approximate songs that survived the crossover untouched to this day. We tend to ignore Monkey, With Me, Ego and Wait For Tomorrow (Get On) these days.
A lot of the other songs started life as various working-title riffs but only Heath ever heard them and that hardly counts...