Regurgitator playing @ Prince Of Wales in St Kilda on Friday, 19th August. With Mint Chicks and Snowman.
It seems they have an EP coming out in August. Sounds like Bubble rejects though. That could be... something.
Good news everyone...there's gonna be a Futurama movie, coming out on DVD, I think we're gonna start doing it soon. There were talks and I guess they're really happy about moving forward with it cuz the DVDs of Futurama sold really well, and then with a possibility of a second one.
The last few seasons still had some gold in them, so there is an OK chance this won't suck. I'm certaintly looking forward to it.
I used to love Gaslight, although recently to be honest it had turned to crap. They used to be the one place you could go in the city and see a band "in-store" but HMV started doing it years ago and even JB-HiFi is doing that now. Their selection of imports used to be second to none but they've had massively strong competition from Elizabeth street JB in recent years.
For celebration, here are some photos I took of Regurgitator's instore at Gaslight on 18th March 2000.
It seems many music shops these days are fading toward DVD sales. Half of JB-HiFi's floor space is DVDs. I remember when you could go to JB and find the full back catalog of any band you could think of. Now it's just their current album and whichever album is "cheap". Same goes for HMV. They used to be expensive but they used to stock good catalog. Not anymore. Although I'm aware of a lot more bands these days...
(via the monkey puzzle)