Online TV in Australia  #
Wednesday, 22 Feb 2006 01:13PM
Telstra Bigpond has begun selling time limited (DRM) TV, Music and Videos online with prices ranging from $1.95 and $5.95. [via Whirlpool]

Telstra Bigpond customers will get a 20% discount and the bandwidth will not count against any limits their accounts might have.

I'll check it out some more and get back. It's unclear if these are downloads or streams.

All the source seems to be from Sony.

They have many of the Live At The Basement series for hire. $2.95 for 7 days viewing.

Music videos (the ones I looked at) seem to be for purchase rather than hire (good). For example Shannon Noll's Lift (or the "Australia Biggest Loser" theme song) is $3.95 for "indefinite" playing. File size is 43Mb so it seems they're using pretty good quality MPEG4.

You could watch Terminator for a single day for $3.95. Or hire it from Blockbuster with 5 other movies for $6 for a whole week. You choose. Or buy it and own it from JB HiFi for $15. Maybe if you could BUY the digital download for $3.95 to keep indefinitely...