Wikipedia permalinks  #
Friday, 26 May 2006 10:24AM
Something Dave Winer said about Wikipedia today got me thinking...

I point to Wikipedia articles regularly, but always with an implicit caveat. I can't be sure that the article I point to today, that I believe is accurate today, will be accurate tomorrow.

Wikipedia really needs permalinks. An easy and obvious way to link to the version of the article you're looking at right now...

And two seconds of investigation shows that yes, Wikipedia does have permalinks. Left column, in the Toolbox.

Maybe the permalink needs to be more obvious? Maybe bloggers need to be more aware of it. Consider yourself told.

Versioning isn't a new problem. Dave could completely change his Wikipedia comment and make my link to it irrelevant and I'd never know. His "permalink" is a link to the archive of the latest version. Wikipedia's "permalink" is a link to the version I'm looking at right now.

Wikipedia has an excellent versioning system. Perhaps we should use it. Maybe the rest of the web needs something similar?