Why don't I have comments?  #
Tuesday, 29 Aug 2006 03:32PM
I don't have comments because I haven't implemented them.

I have lots of reasons but the main one is technical. This server won't let me send email from code and I can't think of any way I can implement comments to my liking without email being involved at some point. The other reason is time. I don't want to write the code and I don't want to spend the time moderating.

To comment please do one of the following:

  • Post to your own blog about my post and email me to let me know and I'll link to it. Maybe I'll rebutt. Maybe I'll leave my butt as it is.
  • Just email me, we'll discuss, I'll post a summary on my blog in an update if it seems right.
  • How to contact me? Send something to this domain.

Not very WebTwoPointOh I know but that's life.

Chicken!  #
Tuesday, 29 Aug 2006 03:13PM
Speaking of obvious warnings on products...

Why doesn't chicken have a warning such as, "This product must be thoroughly cooked before consumption by humans" printed on it? It doesn't at Coles anyway. I looked. Just a used by date.

Chicken is the obvious choise, but I often wonder how many of the vegetables I'm looking at can actually be eaten without any preparation (other than washing). I'm aware of some nuts that can be dangerous if cooked the wrong way, or not enough.

Bleach tells me not to drink it, why doesn't raw chicken tell me not to eat it?

Why don't they teach you this stuff at school. I suppose the chance of a kid these days getting near any chicken that isn't covered in an orange crust of fried lard is pretty small.

(Note: I've never eaten raw chicken, I don't know when I learnt how carefully I had to handle it but I know. Magic? Also note that dogs can eat raw chicken. They have magic tummies.)