Brendan Nelson  #
Thursday, 29 Nov 2007 02:15PM
Brendan Nelson is the new Liberal party leader.

He introduced "Voluntary Student Unionism".

If you believe Wikipedia, that's about all he's done.

Or read the dirt yourself.

Blue windows  #
Thursday, 29 Nov 2007 01:45PM
Our windows, gutters and fascia are now "Kosciusko" (dark blue). Very similar colour to our fence. Rather than do it ourselves we paid someone. Huge thanks to my parents for looking after everything while we were at work. Thanks! (a huge one!)

I look forward to actually seeing it!

The next large thing we plan to do is a water tank for the garden, but that will be after the wedding. I think we need to get someone in to have a look and suggest where we put it. There aren't many places that make sense...

Robert McClelland  #
Thursday, 29 Nov 2007 01:44PM
Robert McClelland has been appointed Attorney General in the new Labor Cabinet.

Readers of this blog will know I have issues with the previous Attorney General and his "instructions" on how marriage celebrants should conduct their ceremonies.

So do the celebrants we've been speaking to.

I'll be giving Robert a while to settle in, but he will be received a polite email in the near future...