Perth - Aquarium of Western Australia (AQWA)  #
Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 10:19AM
On the 28th April 2008 we took a little trip out to Hillarys Boat Harbour and AQWA (via train to Warwick, 423 bus to the harbour).

Hillarys includes a fair few food shops, some junky tourist clothes shops, and an awesome looking kids fun park.

I was reasonably impressed with the aquarium but it seemed small, although the space was well used. The main tank is impressive, moving walkway and all, with plenty of rays, sharks and turtles. I approve of the baby crocs, although the seals were a little sad. I've yet to see a seal enclosure that I've liked. They always seem so... fake and filthy. The Sydney aquarium was probably best as it doesn't even pretend its plastic enclosure is made of rocks.

Stingray bay was a good concept, but the only reason you saw any rays was due their constant attempts to escape.

The touch pool was excellent, and we manhandled some baby sharks and rays for a while.

We stayed a few hours, then had fish and chips at "Top Catch" on the harbour. The shops included yet another English Lolly Shop, although we didn't buy anything.

Happily it was the last day of school holiday, otherwise our wait for the bus would have been an hour and a half, the only time Perth's public transport would have let us down. The bus stops on a road platform just above the train station, at which the train was waiting for us. Have I mentioned I love Perth's PT?

Photos of aquariums are never show the full and livid colours of the coral. The camera (and my ability to use it) just can't handle it. Still, it's hard to go wrong with cuttlefish.

20080428 AQWA - Baby cuttlefish  20080428 AQWA - Catfish?  20080428 AQWA - Coral  20080428 AQWA - Cuttlefish hides  20080428 AQWA - Cuttlefish is cranky  20080428 AQWA - Cuttlefish looks left  20080428 AQWA - Cuttlefish looks right  20080428 AQWA - Lionfish fluro  20080428 AQWA - Lionfish  20080428 AQWA - Moon jellyfish  20080428 AQWA - Moray eels  20080428 AQWA - Ornate cowfish (I think)  20080428 AQWA - Stingray bay  20080428 AQWA - Saltwater croc  20080428 AQWA - Seal and people  20080428 AQWA - Seal looks up  20080428 AQWA - Seal  20080428 AQWA - Stonefish  20080428 AQWA - Western Rock Lobster (oohwah)  

8th birthday  #
Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 10:08AM
This blog turns eight today.

Since starting this blog I've moved three times, had four different jobs (seven if you could mergers and name changes), bought a house, started and ended a band, adopted a dog and married the woman I've been with since this blog began, gaining a whole new diverse family, including the friend who helped convinced me to start this thing.

But I don't tend to talk about my life. I'm uncomfortable talking about it. And I don't want to give to much away before the autobiography which I intend to release in Pog form in 2038, just before y2k version 2 destroys the world.

Hopefully this stupid internet thing will be long gone by then.