iTunes/BigPond Music vouchers  #
Wednesday, 31 Dec 2008 10:36AM
I noticed while Christmas shopping that BigPond Music were selling their $50 and $100 vouchers for 50% off. That effectively allows you to buy their music (which now includes a limited stock of MP3s) for about 85 cents a track.

iTunes were selling their $30 voucher for $20. I snapped one up, allowing me to buy tracks at $1.13 each.

So far I've failed. I wanted to buy a couple of Madness tracks, but they only have their recent albums on iTunes.

I wanted to buy Danny Elfman's "Forbidden Zone" theme but he's only selling the whole album. If I have to buy the whole album, I'd rather buy the CD.

There are about four "with Mike Patton" tracks I'll probably get. Otherwise... I'm stumped. I guess I'll start searching for "Monkey" again...