Warner direct selling their movie and TV archive  #
Wednesday, 25 Mar 2009 11:19AM
Warner has launched the Warner Archive.

They will allow direct ordering of custom DVDs made from their archive of movies and TV from the 20s to the 80s.

Every birthday on this blog I notice a post from almost good ten years ago where I asked by TV production companies could allow you to create a custom DVD on their websites with only the episodes of a show you wanted and send it to you.

I guess Warner Archive will allow this... but the excitement of the idea has worn off thanks to the likes of bittorrent and iTunes/Amazon digital TV sales and cheap whole-season DVD boxsets. The original idea was hatched when TV came on VHS with 3 episodes a tape.

What is most exciting is that much of the Archive will be product that has never been released. Just because a show/film isn't popular enough to print thousands of copies, doesn't mean they can't sell it ad-hoc.

I hope the record companies take note. A website like this for deleted CDs would be fantastic... I'd much rather pay $15 for a CDr with decently printed liner notes than $15 for the same product as a lossless download, no matter how much I call for eternal losslessness. Although, I'd rather pay for a second-hand copy...

... via Josh (thanks!) and mydigitallife.info