Watching 'The Wire'  #
Thursday, 14 May 2009 03:46PM
We're not fans of Law and Order or CSI.

We're fans of NCIS and Life. NCIS not for the stories but for the characters. We don't cry if we miss an episode, or a whole season. Life similarly, but the story was interesting. It ended well...

We've been told, quite forcefully, to watch The Wire, so last night we watched the first episode of Season 1.

Much like Six Feet Under, afterwards I felt I had watched a part of a larger story. It was not a stand alone story but the small part it told had a start/middle and end. A lot was told without saying it. Characters were well introduced. Some were cliches, but not cliches I'm immediately familiar with. Missing an episode, and following the story, would be impossible.

It's well made, gritty as all hell, and mostly well acted.

And they all talk funny.

I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure Katie did. She was non-committal. She suggested that it is "just Sopranos with gangs", a comment it seems many on the internetwebs have said before. I never really watched The Sopranos but I can already see the obvious differences.

The Sopranos was aiming at being more light hearted. It seemed to aim to show the human side of "The Mob", but did so in a mocking, ridiculous way. Not really "The Mob" but the Hollywood version of the "The Mob". I never really saw the point.

I don't see anything light hearted in "The Wire". There are light hearted conversations between friends, but they're real. I don't feel any mocking. I don't see any subtext asking me to accept anyone as good or evil.

I like that.

Update: Katie did like it, but reserves judgement for after we've seen more episodes. We both see much potential.