Of those tracks I feel in love with two, The Pretty Thing's "Defecting Grey" and The Open Mind's "Magic Potion".
Neither are on iTunes Australia. The Open Mind are not on their at all, while The Pretty Things have some albums, not the one with this song on it. They're not on Big Pong Music either.
The Pretty Things song are on both Amazon MP3 and eMusic. I can't use Amazon MP3 because I'm a stinking foreigner, and the MP3 quality sold on eMusic isn't good enough (compared to Amazon and iTunes).
[To be brutally fair, both tracks were released at a time when the "album" was a fairly new concept]
So I decide to buy the CDs. Except they cost a fortune in Australia, both being almost $30 imports (remember when all CDs cost that much?).
So off to Amazon to buy the CDs for half that price.