BoyTown  #
Saturday, 18 Nov 2006 07:45PM
(Most of) the music is beyond terrible, many of the jokes made me cringe, but I enjoyed the portrayal of the various relationships in the movie. The band, the family of Benny G. The music industry gets a few kicks in the head. The various shots of Melbourne's skyline from last year were fun. It ended well.

The artwork, the story, all point to BoyTown being a portrayal of New Kids On The Block which Katie found very amusing.

The music was recorded at HotHouse which I suppose isn't surprising as so were some (all?) of the musical numbers of The Late Show.

Pseudophedrine ban hits US  #
Saturday, 18 Nov 2006 09:35AM
Boing Boing has noticed the pseudophedrine ban I complained briefly about in August.

That'd be winter in the US then...

I wonder what people were like when they banned cocaine and heroin from medicines?