13 Nov 2002: Getting hard line on copyright (unsupported old software and deleted CDs)
14 Nov 2006: Forgotten creators club
14 Nov 2006: Is concert recording legal?
14 Nov 2007: Digital music is nothing
The "forgotten creators club" came up in my mind recently while thinking about copyright for my previous posts, but from a slightly different angle.
For example...
Imagine for a moment "Star Wars". George Lucas probably owns the copyright to that movie (I haven't checked, don't care) and probably makes approximately ten gazillion planets worth of cash from it.
But what about the guy that invented lightsabers. Again, arguably George Lucas... but I'm not talking about the concept, I'm talking about the little movie trick they used to make them look the way they do.
That idea, of messing with the film to create the lightsabre effect is hugely well known, often copied. Who came up with that idea? Is he poor?
I'd give him $10 to say thanks.
Apparently "that guy" is Nelson Shin, the man who directed Transformers: The Movie. He is the founder and director of a large production company, so I presume does not need my cash. I've already thrown much of my money indirectly at him by watching and buying his creations.
I'll tip my hat to him instead.