Our dog Mogwai is sick. She's lethargic, whining randomly, off her food. She doesn't want to play and just sits there looking at us pitifully. I've never in her almost six years seen her behave this way, even on days when she's been constantly throwing up.
I took her to the vet this morning and she couldn't find anything obviously wrong, but Mogwai did complain about her neck being manipulated.
The vet suggested that her symptoms were consistent with a neck injury. Mogwai had two needles (pain killer and anti-inflammatory) and will start pills (more anti-i) tomorrow. Back to the vet for a check up on Wednesday.
As of lunchtime she still isn't any better.
We gave her a smoked kangaroo-tail yesterday as a treat and she spent the entire day chewing it. My theory is she's done her neck from all of the weird angles/pulling on sinew.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.