Faith No More
Wednesday, 03 February 1993
New Orleans, LA, USA
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
outro Prince, "My Name Is Prince"
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Westbam, "Forward Ever, Backward Never"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
intro sample SOULSYSTEM, "It's Gonna Be A Lovely Day"
middle Kris Kross, "Warm It Up"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro En Vogue, "Free Your Mind"

Death March
Sweet Dreams (Nestles)
Edge Of The World
Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
A Small Victory
CV Database
Audience recording

Clarion-Ledger, Jackson Mississippi, 21 Jan 1993, page 16E - gig listing 9pm $14
Hattiesburg American, 24 Jan 1993, page 3D - gig listing
Hattiesburg American, 2 Feb 1993, page 7B - gig listing
Before Caffeine, Patton: "I don't know about you guys, but I'm about ready to shoot a little caffeine, coffee, chicory out of my ass."
Chinese Arithmetic has the phone sample in the intro.
Last line of RV changed to " "just pack up the bags and move to Seattle"

After the first line of Easy, Patton: "Hi, what's your name? Excuse me sir, how are ya? You're interrupting our song did you know that? How about we start the song over. Hey band, shut up. Do you care to introduce yourself? Hey, come back. Don't be shy. What brings you here this evening? Yeah? You sucked a lotta dick? Now we can continue the song, thank you Clarence." - the band start Easy again - Roddy: "Thank God we're assholes, hey Clarence?", Patton: "Sometimes assholes can be very expedient."

After Easy:
- Patton: "Sorry Clarence. Clarence, you accept my apology? I'm your friend man."
- Roddy: "Atta boy. That's my boy, that's my fella."
- Patton: "Let's shake on it. Look at that! Friendship, here at Tipatina's this evening. Goddammit."

Before Jizzlobber:
- *crowd sings happy birthday*
- Roddy: "Stop it, birthdays are for babies!"
- Bill: "Who's birthday is it? MIKE!"
- Patton: "oh no I think you're mistaken."
- ?: "It's not his birthday?"
- Patton: "I beg to differ, man. I was there when I was born. I respect your opinion, but you're wrong. The rest of you guys, what's the general consensus?"

After Epic, Patton: "What's your name? You entertain t crowd while we're gone."

After returning for encore:
- Patton: What happened to Lorraine? She wasn't such a hit huh?
- Roddy: Were you guys mean to her?
- Patton: I don't think you have her a chance.
- Roddy: That's not nice, everybody wants their fifteen minutes right? She wanted hers and goddamn it.
- Patton: YOU STOLE IT!
- Bill: Look at that lady on the Price Is Right? Maybe she had a good career because people gave her emotional support.

Sweet Dreams, Patton: "This one's for Lorraine with the sweet tooth."

Before A Small Victory:
- Patton: "Who's the smart alec who took the microphone? We're not Nirvana you know, we can't afford that kinda stuff. If anybody happens to find a spare microphone we'll appreciate that, thank you very much."
- Roddy: "Or send it to Nirvana, care of us."
- Patton: "Or sell it to them at a discount price."
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: River Theater, Guerneville CA, USA
1990 Faith No More: Cardiff University, Cardiff Wales
2002 Tomahawk: Big Day Out, Claremount Showgrounds, Perth Australia