Faith No More
Friday, 09 November 1990
RIP 4th Birthday
Hollywood Palladium
Los Angeles, CA, USA
with Motorhead, Bang Tango, Funhouse
Toto, "Big Battle" (Dune soundtrack)
From Out Of Nowhere
Falling To Pieces
Introduce Yourself
The Real Thing
outro Public Enemy, "911 Is A Joke"
Underwater Love
As The Worm Turns
The Crab Song
Edge Of The World
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Madonna, "Vogue"
We Care A Lot
middle New Kids On The Block, "The Right Stuff"
Sweet Dreams (Nestles)
Surprise! You're Dead!
with extra verse by Young M.C.
Woodpecker From Mars

Easy (Commodores)
War Pigs (Black Sabbath)
with Ozzy Osbourne on vocals
with James Hetfield on extra guitar
CV Database
Kerrang! 100 greatest gigs of all time July 1997
Radio broadcast
TV broadcast
LA Weekly, 2-8 November 1990, page 111
Official Release:
Forth birthday party gig for RIP Magazine.
Broadcast live on KNAC 105.5 radio.
Recorded by a video crew and broadcast on ?

This version of "War Pigs" was going to be on the Black Sabbath tribute album "Nativity In Black" but it was decided it wasn't good enough.
After Falling To Pieces the band laugh and someone says "hey man, I heard about some chick who had her underwear ripped off, ha ha ha".
After "Underwater Love" someone says "Thank you Los Angeles. Next song's an old song it's off our first record it's called As The Worm... Turns. It goes like this" (keyboard riff starts) " it goes like that".
During the intro to "The Crab Song" Patton says "This is Roddy and boy he's sure cute isn't he? This over here is Jim and I fuck him every night."

After "The Crab Song" -
Patton: "Anybody out there on crack tonight huh? You on crack? This photographers on crack!"
Bill: "I'd like to talk about something tonight that I think everybody can relate to... Nelson"
Patton: "Nelson, you all read RIP magazine right?! Then you've heard of Nelson."
Drums for Edge Of The World begin...
Roddy: "Everybody snap for Nelson!"
?: "This is what we do in our spare time. We just sit around and snap for Nelson. Get it?"
Patton: "I think it's time for Nelson to be taken completely seriously. I love him. Fuck you guys I love 'em."
Bill: "I think we all secretly love them."
Patton: "Yeah, you guys are just afraid to admit that you love 'em"

After "Chinese Arithmetic":
Patton: "Thank you, you're beautiful."
Jim?: "Hey, how do you feel? Are you sure? I don't fucking believe you."
Bill: "How many people know there's a special surprise?"
Jim?: "What do you fucking think of that!"
Bill: "The special surprise is no special surprise. Ha!"
Patton: "We're not going to play with anybody."
Jim?: "No milk or sugar cookies for you, stupid fucks!"
Patton: "No celebrities, none of that"
?: "On that note, let's begin this next song"

After "We Care A Lot", "oh you're so kind, quiet?? this is very serious", Sweet Dreams begins, Patton: "This is a song to stage dive to". At the end of "Sweet Dreams" Patton sings "someone's out of fucking tune."

Patton's microphone appears to get unplugged during part "Surprise! You're Dead!"

After "Surprise" -
Jim?: Hey man our fucking ah... all this monitor system must be broken coz we can't hear fuck all on it, is it broke or what?"
Bill: This next song is an interesting fusion of metal and rap
Patton: Yeah that seems to be the thing these days so let's call it that, huh?
Roddy?: The thing man, it's our trade mark
Bill?: It's the 90's man, get hip
Patton: We stole it from Young MC.

Young MC joins the band during "Epic" and adds an adlib for the second verse:
I think of it when I sleep at night
It could be black, or it could be white
It could be loose or it could be tight
But it feels the best when it fits just right
I think of it when I'm all alone
With the lights off and no body home
My mind goes crazy and it does not quit
So I ask you what is it?!

Patton follows from the "Its alive, afraid, a lie, a sin. Its magic, its tragic, its a loss, its a win" line, confusing the band. Young MC stays with the band and sings backup in the choruses and throws in a "come on" every now and then.

The band leave after "Woodpecker" and return for an encore to play "Easy" and "War Pigs".

During "War Pigs" Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath) joins the band to sing, and James Hetfield (Metallica) joins on guitar. The whole thing is a massive mess.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: The Loft, Berlin Germany
1992 Faith No More: Grugahalle, Essen Germany
1999 Mr. Bungle: Irving Plaza, New York NY, USA
1999 Mista Sinista: The Knitting Factory, New York NY, USA
2001 Tomahawk: La Zona Rosa, Austin TX, USA
2011 Faith No More: Primavera 0 Festival, Teatro de Verano, Montevideo Uruguay