Faith No More
Sunday, 15 November 1992
Karlsruhe, Germany
supported by L7
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
outro Prince, "My Name Is Prince"
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Ween, "The Goin' Gets Tough From The Getgo"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
middle Kris Kross, "Warm It Up"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro En Vogue, "Free Your Mind"

Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
Death March
A Small Victory
Before We Care A Lot:
- Roddy: Who wants to do [inaudible]. Billy, Raise your hand
- Bill: No
- Roddy: No from Bill, no from me
- Patton: No
- Roddy: No from Mike
- Bill: Threes a vote
- Roddy: Sorry, this next numbers called We Care A Lot
- Jim: Fuck the vote
- Patton: threes a vote
- Jim: Fuck your vote you started it
- Patton: You see kids, this band is a democracy. Three of us want??? The song, so you don't get to hear it. Isn't that wonderful?

After first chorus of We Care A Lot Patton sings something unknown, "Just like a scene? Just like you scene?"

Before Woodpecker From Mars:
- Roddy: Thank you very much Karlsruhe. Are you hot. Are you warm?
- Patton: Are you bothered?
- Bill: Can you guys see us back there? Over there?
- Roddy: Come closer
- Patton: I think it's twins night tonight. There's a couple of twins in the front row. There's two young men, both with Pantera shirts on. I'd like to congratulate you. You first pair of twins. And runner up... Two girls with nose rings just like the guy in Skid Row.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: ?? Folstone Spain
1990 Faith No More: Sioux City Auditorium, Sioux City IA, USA
1995 Faith No More: CANCELLED Brixton Academy, London England
1997 Faith No More: Vernier sur Rock, Geneva Switzerland
1999 Mr. Bungle: Georgia Theatre, Athens GA, USA
2001 Tomahawk: Cat's Cradle, Carrboro NC, USA