Faith No More
Sunday, 22 November 1992
Ice Rink
Cardiff, Wales
supported by L7
The Final Countdown remix
Falling To Pieces
Land Of Sunshine
The Crab Song
Midlife Crisis
outro Prince, "My Name Is Prince"
Chinese Arithmetic
intro Ween, "The Goin' Gets Tough From The Getgo"
Surprise! You're Dead!
Be Aggressive
outro Bay City Rollers, "Saturday Night"
Introduce Yourself
Easy (Commodores)
Crack Hitler
We Care A Lot
middle Del tha Funky Homosapien, "Mistadobalina"
Woodpecker From Mars
outro En Vogue, "Free Your Mind"

Everything's Ruined
outro Eddie Money, "Two Tickets To Paradise"
Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
As The Worm Turns
A Small Victory
CV Database
Audience recording
"Teach Me Violence" fanzine article
Sticker with L7 tour dates
During The Crab Song intro, Patton: "This song is for all those who didn't get pudding this evening. I'm real sorry."
Before RV:
- Bill: Like to do a little song for you guys about shagging sheep.
- Patton: This is about the mad sheep disease.
- Patton: You know their dicks are supposed to be covered with wool, just like their bodies.

Before Woodpecker From Mars:
- Roddy: It's getting a little warm huh?
- Patton: They're still here, they're not leaving.

Jizzlober, Patton: "This next one's for any shit lovers that may happen to be in the audience this evening."

Before A Small Victory:
- Roddy: You hear those little clicks? Tick tick tick tick...
- Patton: Almost ready to go home? Almost. Alright we'll let you out of here in just a bit. I'd say in about, 4 minutes and 40 seconds.

At end of A Small Victory, Patton: "Excuse me I've got an urgent message from the Queen. She says, "You still won't hear!" - then big A Small Victory jam ending.
On This Day:
Year Venue State/Country
1989 Faith No More: Green Parrot, Neptune NJ, USA
1995 Mr. Bungle: Opera House, Toronto ON, Canada
1999 Mr. Bungle: Sun Theatre, Anaheim CA, USA
2006 Peeping Tom: Rote Fabrik, Zurich Switzerland